Saturday, February 25, 2012

Debunking the feminist mythology

Time to debunk some good old mainstays of radical feminist mythology. These myths exist to support the idea that the woman is a victim, no matter what she does or doesn't do.

1. Sex as a social construction

This is the idea that sexual roles are entirely nurtured, with little or no relevant biological influence. But just see how visible sex is in nature, both as physique and behaviour. When one sex produces one gamete a month, and the other several million a day, it's hardly surprising that biological sex influences behaviour, choices and social structures amongst humans. Now, I'm a social constructivist too, so I see the point of liberating oneself from the primordial slime. We don't have to remain filthy, grunting troglodytes (although it has its appeal at times). But we didn't consciously invent sex and sexual roles any more than a peacock invented its tail or a male baboon decided it wanted a big ugly red ass. The primordial slime's part of us, so liberation has a personal, individual element that no one else can do on your behalf, although they might be able to help you with it.

That's why I'm here. To help. Amongst other things.

2. The Patriarchy

This is a dingbat buzz word for the social system she sees as having been designed and built by men, solely for the benefit of men. This is a social construction that's easily debunked: How could the hand that rocks the cradle have no influence? Are we to believe that the female throughout history has been nothing but a mindless incubator with no free will and no capacity for making choices? And that she suddenly woke up - in terms of the history of civilisation - sometime last week and realised that she might have a bit of leverage here?

WOMAN: Civilisation springs from my womb! Well, fuck me....


WOMAN: Hmm... There's an angle here somewhere, but I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

PROFESSOR PLANET: I'm sure you'll figure it out.

Now, if women seem to be perpetuating some ovine role that this 'patriarchy' has bestowed on them - and I agree that they do - whose fault is that? Mine?

I used to be married, so I lived with one. Did she read women's magazines and doggedly follow fashion for my benefit? Did she shy away from any physical, technical or practical task just to give me the pleasure of doing it? Even when I sucked at it and couldn't be bothered? Did I tell her to leave that shit to me? Hardly. On the contrary.

SLIGHTLY PUSSY WHIPPED PLANET BACK THEN: You could do it yourself. After all, it's called 'do-it-yourself' for a reason. Otherwise it would be called 'get-some-sucker-to-do-it'.

WOMAN: (giving me a look that says 'you fucking asshole you never do anything for me I'll cry in a minute and make your life a misery and forget fucking me for the next five days'). Don't start... I mean it, don't start...

Whose opinion was she really concerned about while buying designer furniture, dressing the kids like fashion mannequins, telling me what to wear, do and say in other people's company? Mine? Other men's? No fucking way!

Women perpetuate their own socially inhibiting bullshit collectively. Keeping up with the Joneses is about keeping up with Mrs. Jones. Fretting about what the neighbours think is fretting about what Mrs. Neighbour thinks. All the hair dye, cosmetics and accessories of the feminine uniform are about living up to the standards of the feminine regiment she's still marching in, because she lacks the courage to turn heel and stop giving a fuck. We all know it, but we pretend we don't. We've been raised to be gallant and humour her. If we're doing something sexist, it's treating her like a fragile flower and letting her get away with the easy option. The best thing we can do for equality is to ask her if she really wants it.


Well take it then, for fuck's sake!

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