Friday, February 17, 2012

You ain't seen nothing yet, b-b-b-baby, no you ain't....

Luxembourgian EU Commissioner and feminist dingbat Viviane Reding is going to launch a legislation proposal on 8th March this year which, if passed, will impose quotas for the percentage of women on the boards of public companies. Read her earlier bullshit here:

FEMINIST DINGBAT: Women are much clearer than men: they talk less, have short and efficient meetings and see no need to discuss things until midnight.

Women may well be much better than men at many things, if not all things. They just seem to be rather slow at proving it. They're not on the boards of companies, presumably for the same reason that they're not digging holes in the road or changing the oil on your car: They're not really into it. If women really are so much better and more efficient than men, why do they need legislation to compete with us? Why not on their own merits?

Of course, what makes this whole scheme really bogus is the idea that 'equality' can be created or improved through discrimination. It's a contradiction in terms. It's nothing to do with real equality, which is about equal rights and equal opportunities. Feminist dingbats like this Reding woman are confusing equality with equal representation. If there's 'inequality' on boards because there are less women, does that mean there's also inequality in the nursing profession or at your local auto workshop? And if the solution to this 'inequality' is quotas in the case of company boards, does that mean that quotas are the solution everywhere where the sexes aren't equally represented? If not, why not? Chew that shit over.

Of course, feminist dingbats like this Reding woman don't like to get into that discussion. They talk less, have short and efficient meetings and see no need to discuss things until midnight, especially if their arguments don't make sense and they're losing the discussion.

You know, I almost hope that feminist dingbat Reding gets her legislation through, thereby actually legitimising sexual discrimination by law. I will feel vindicated....nay, actually obliged to practise misogyny and male chauvinism on principle, if only to counterbalance the injustice and real inequality the legislation will cause by actually dissolving the principle of equal rights. I will feel obliged to discriminate against women, diss them, call them cunts and bitches and all manner of colourful epithets in order to defend equal rights. Being dissed and shunned and called cunt is but a small price to pay for extra rights and preferential treatment, wouldn't you say?

If you think there's discrimination now, you ain't seen nothing yet, baby.

I started this blog with a song quotation, and I'll end with another.

Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.
Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me.

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